Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the first edition of a project in which I have no idea what will come out of it

You can’t connect the dots looking forward

My favorite quote ever. Steve Jobs is the man.

Wtf are you doing Ryan?

As you may know, I recently got very into writing. This is me getting as much practice as possible. I may be chasing a shiny-object syndrome of a newsletter business based on a youtube rabbithole I went down, but whatever. We’ll see where it takes me.

Why Did I Start This Newsletter?

I think I listened to too many Gary Vee clips because now I’m motivated to take some big risks in the not so near future. This is simply going to be me documenting that journey and hope to inspire some others along the way.

My Promise

Everything I learn, struggle with, overcome will all be included in this newsletter. Enjoy!

Season 5 Episode 3 GIF by Rick and Morty

Gif by rickandmorty on Giphy

Your Reminder To Not Care What Others Think
